Red Eye Tree Frogs for Sale

Looking for a colorful and charismatic amphibian friend? Look no further than the Red Eye Tree Frog. These brilliantly hued amphibians are some of the most recognizable in the world. With big red eyes and bright orange feet, these frogs are sure to illuminate any room! Once they've settled into their new habitats, these nocturnal friends are fascinating to watch explore their new environment. Please call ahead to the store location you are planning on visiting to confirm that Red Eye Tree Frogs for sale will be available.

Red Eye Tree Frog Diet

Red Eye Tree Frogs eat a variety of insects in the wild, which makes feeding them a simple, yet sometimes tricky experience. They enjoy a of mix feeder insects such as gut-loaded crickets, dubia roaches, small hornworms, and waxworms-all readily available at your favorite Uncle Bill's Pet Centers. A shallow bowl (~1" deep) of dechlorinated water should be kept in their enclosure for them to soak in. This helps them maintain hydration as Red Eye Tree Frogs absorb water through their skin! All feeder insects should be no larger the the distance between their eyes since they swallow prey whole. It's important to sprinkle a calcium supplement on their food, and be careful not to overfeed your new frog friend!

Red Eye Tree Frog Habitat

A comfortable habitat for this frog should leave room for roaming and have plenty of decor to climb and hide amongst with a secure fitting lid. They love to climb on driftwood and branches. Check out the Zilla Tropical Starter Kit as a great beginner habitat! Humidity should be kept between 70-80%, with an average temperature of 75-82 °F. Fluorescent lighting is required for 10-12 hours a day, and a low level UVB bulb helps them create necessary Vitamin D. An incandescent bulb can be used for lighting and basking area if no under-tank heater is provided. Mulch like substrates such as coconut fiber, or dampened sphagnum moss create a great floor for your frog. Reptisoil is another great substrate for your Red Eye Tree Frog. Be sure to clean their water bowl (daily) and habitat regularly (once a week).

Is a Red Eye Tree Frog Right for Me?

Red Eye Tree Frogs can be very rewarding and fun to care for a more experienced pet parent!  They are very laid back pets that are great for any noise or space restricted home. However, keep in mind that any amphibious animal is capable of carrying diseases such as Salmonella, so always washing your hands after touching your aquatic pet or any of its habitat items/substances is a must. It's generally advised to wear moistened, non-powdered gloves, as their skin absorbs moisture which makes them susceptible to bacteria and oil from human hands. Otherwise, these easy-going frogs are fairly easy to care for and make great pets for almost anyone!

At Uncle Bill’s Pet Center, we not only offer Red Eye Tree Frogs for sale, we also employ a highly trained staff that can assist you in building an appropriate habitat for your new pet, and educate you on the proper care of the animal—making sure you get the most out of your pet ownership adventure! 

red eye tree frog