Popular Saltwater Fish!

Uncle Bill's Pet Centers carries a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fish, and selection may vary by store location.  Here are some of the most popular saltwater fish Uncle Bill's offers - but it is not a complete listing of all the fish we have available at any given time.  This list as well as our in-store availability fluctuates and is updated regularly.  Please note this information on each fish's page is for your reference only, and any advice acquired from these listings is to be used at your own discretion.

Sohal Tang

Facts and Information

sohal surgeonfish

A close relative to the Lined Surgeon (aka Clown Tang) from the Indo-Pacific.  The Sohal and Lined Surgeonfish are both large (to 15 inches) and very territorial and aggressive, and by most accounts, the most aggressive of all the seventy-plus members of the Acanthuridae (acanthus=greek for spine) family.  These fish inhabit highly oxygenated surge areas of seaward reefs where heavy tide action washes away wastes keeps the churning water at near saturated levels of oxygen.  Tangs eat constantly and expell large amounts of waste, especially large ones like the Sohal, but are also highly intolerant of the build-up of such wastes.  Some would say tangs are veritable "ich" magnets, and in less-than ideal conditions this is certainly true.  Vigorous filtration and dilligent maintainence of the filters is a requirement for keeping the Sohal happy.

Level of Difficulty - Level 3

Size - Jumbo

Aggression Level - Level 4

Possible Tankmates - Red Volitan Lionfish, Red Coris


radiata lionfish