Facts and Information

Females lack the brilliant blue "chin" of the males, but not the lovely yellow margins of the caudal (tail), adipose and anal fins. The scientific name, “Xanthichthys” (fish turning yellow or brown by frying), “auromarginatus” (with gold margins) alludes to the beautiful yellow coloring on the fins. Overall, the body is grayish blue with raised scales. Blue-jaw, also known as Blue-throat (more commonly used in the aquarium hobby) triggers are often shy when newly introduced, but soon assert their dominance in the aquarium once they settle in. Small crustaceans are the preferred fair, particularly copepods and other plankton animals. Don`t let this fish`s delicate appearance fool you, it can hold its own with most any fish, particularly the males of the species.
Size - Extra Large
Possible Tankmates - Blue Lined or Panther Grouper, Yellow-tail Puffer fish, Queen Triggerfish