Popular Freshwater Fish!

Uncle Bill's Pet Centers carries a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fish, and selection may vary by store location.  Here are some of the most popular freshwater fish Uncle Bill's offers - but it is not a complete listing of all the fish we have available at any given time.  This list as well as our in-store availability fluctuates and is updated regularly.  Please note this information on each fish's page is for your reference only, and any advice acquired from these listings is to be used at your own discretion.


Facts and Information


Thanks the aquarium hobby, the once lowly Oscar has been elevated from a common South American food fish to beloved pet around the world.  Oscars are one of the few fish to display owner recognition, meaning they know the hand that feeds them.  They are also somewhat temperamental when it comes to changes in their environment and will rearrange the tank to their liking if they find it unsuitable.  Many Oscars display behaviors that can't be labeled as anything other than "pouting" when a favorite rock or log is removed.  They often refuse food and lay sideways on the bottom of the tank, generally looking disinterested in anything going on.  Once the item is replaced, they return to their normal behavior. 

PH Levels - 6.5 to 8

Hardness Levels - 80 to 320 ppm

Temperature - 74 to 82°F

Level of Difficulty - Level 2

Size - Extra Large

Aggression Level - Level 3

Possible Tankmates - Nicaraguense Cichlid, Flagtail Porthole Catfish

glow fish tetras

yellow cichlid labidochromis caeruleus