Facts and Information

Much like the Guppy, the Gold Dust Mollies bear little resemblance to the original wild form. Originally a light, slightly transparent green with flecks of brown or orange around the margins of the fin, the Molly has been selectively bred for many years to produce dozens of color and tail varieties. Their range in the wild starts in northern Mexico on the Pacific side and extends down through Central America into South America to Colombia. In the wild, they feed on insects and insect larvae, aquatic worms and small crustaceans like Daphnia, and some algae. Mollies aren't restricted to freshwater and are known to not only inhabit, but to flourish in brackish waters of the Pacific coastal drainage basin. The presence of salt in the water inhibits bacterial and fungal growth in water with an alkaline pH and high hardness.
PH Levels - 7 to 8
Hardness Levels - 140 to 320 ppm
Temperature - 68 to 82°F
Size - Small
Possible Tankmates - Rainbow Dace, Moonlight Gourami