Popular Freshwater Fish!

Uncle Bill's Pet Centers carries a wide variety of freshwater and saltwater fish, and selection may vary by store location.  Here are some of the most popular freshwater fish Uncle Bill's offers - but it is not a complete listing of all the fish we have available at any given time.  This list as well as our in-store availability fluctuates and is updated regularly.  Please note this information on each fish's page is for your reference only, and any advice acquired from these listings is to be used at your own discretion.

Orange Chromide

Facts and Information

orange chromide

Often found in the tidal streams and marsh lagoons of India and Sri Lanka, the Orange Chromide often migrates to estuaries.  The waters of its natural habitat are often of moderate hardness with an alkaline pH often between 8 and 9.  The addition of synthetic sea salt will raise the pH and hardness to appropriate levels for the Orange Chromide, although it is best to do so before you acquire the fish.

PH Levels - 6 to 8

Hardness Levels - 70 to 320 ppm

Temperature - 72 to 82°F

Level of Difficulty - Level 3

Size - Large

Aggression Level - 3

Possible Tankmates - Brackish, Ruby Scat

glow fish tetras

yellow cichlid labidochromis caeruleus