Facts and Information

This fish makes for a very unique and long lived addition to any peaceful aquarium. It has many common names including, Asian sucker fish, Asian hi-fin banded shark, Freshwater Batfish, Entsuyui, and Rough Fish, among others. It grows to a length of three feet, but luckily, it is very slow growing, and gains about two inches a year. Despite its large adult size, it is still rather delicate and very sensitive to nitrates. They will often refuse to eat when the water quality is not to their liking. In this case, perform a partial water change and rinse filter media in the siphoned off aquarium water and offer live Blackworms. Usually, they will begin feeding after a few hours. If they don't after a day or two, change a little more water and continue to offer live foods.
PH Levels - 6 to 8
Hardness Levels - 80 to 320 ppm
Temperature - 55 to 78°F
Size - Jumbo
Possible Tankmates - Oddball Fishes, Dojo Loaches