Sugar Gliders: Adorable Pets for Experienced Caretakers

Sugar Gliders are delightful pets for patient and attentive caretakers. These highly sociable animals prefer to live in pairs or groups, and they also appreciate human interaction. They recognize familiar faces, and over time, they may bond with their caretakers.

If you want to buy Sugar Gliders, please call your local Uncle Bill’s store – these pets may not be available at all locations.

Sugar Glider Habitat

These animals require a rather large living space to allow them enough room to casually glide from one end of the enclosure to the other whenever they like. The bigger and taller the enclosure, the better! Perches, hanging food dishes and water bottles, some small animal bedding at the bottom of the habitat, possibly a running wheel or saucer, and a variety of toys such as ropes and ladders will be great for enriching your Sugar Glider's environment, as they are extremely active. Unlike rodents, these marsupials don’t have a strong urge to gnaw, but Sugar Gliders may occasionally chew on toys.

These nocturnal animals appreciate at least one nesting or hiding area where they can tuck away for the day for rest and relaxation. Sugar Gliders enjoy a hammock or a soft pouch for sleep. (When trying to bond with Sugar Gliders, caretakers often wear a pouch or a garment with a large pocket to keep the animal close without holding it).

Sugar Glider Diet

Sugar gliders are seasonally adapted omnivores that eat a wide variety of foods, and a well-rounded diet is essential for preventing calcium deficiency. Their diet should consist of about 50% insects (gut-loaded) or other sources of protein, 25% fruit, and 25% vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetables should be provided daily. Some dry Sugar Glider formula food can be kept in the habitat for 24 hours as a snack. Feed Sugar Gliders at night and remove any uneaten insects, fruits, or vegetables in the morning.

Are Sugar Gliders Right for Me?

Sugar Gliders are easily startled by loud noises and sudden movements, and while they are normally docile, they may become aggressive when frightened. They may not be the best pets for households with small children. These animals are also highly vocal, and when their home environment is stressful, or when they aren’t getting enough attention or stimulation, they may make loud sounds at night.

With time and patience, caretakers may establish a bond with Sugar Gliders. These pets must have a comfortable, clean habitat and a proper diet in order to be happy and healthy. With proper care, Sugar Gliders may live up to 15 years.

At Uncle Bill’s Pet Center, we not only offer Sugar Gliders for sale, we also employ a highly trained staff that can assist you in building an appropriate habitat for your new pet, and educate you on the proper care of the animal, making sure you get the most out of your pet ownership adventure!

uncle bills sugar gliders